
When Does Primarina Learn Sparkling Aria

This Pokédex entry is for Generation 7 Pokémon games. For Generation Viii Pokémon games. Check out Primarina Pokémon Sword & Shield data
Abilities: Torrent - Liquid Voice (Hidden Ability)
Torrent: When HP is below i/3rd its maximum, power of H2o-type moves is increased by 50%.
Hidden Ability (Available):
Liquid Voice: All sound-based moves become H2o-type moves.
Feel Growth Base Happiness Endeavor Values Earned S.O.S. Calling
1,059,862 Points
Medium Slow
70 3 Sp. Attack Signal(s)
Non Wild


Attacking Move Type: Normal-type Attacking Move Type: Fire-type Attacking Move Type: Water-type Attacking Move Type: Electric-type Attacking Move Type: Grass-type Attacking Move Type: Ice-type Attacking Move Type: Fighting-type Attacking Move Type: Poison-type Attacking Move Type: Ground-type Attacking Move Type: Flying-type Attacking Move Type: Psychic-type Attacking Move Type: Bug-type Attacking Move Type: Rock-type Attacking Move Type: Ghost-type Attacking Move Type: Dragon-type Attacking Move Type: Dark-type Attacking Move Type: Steel-type Attacking Move Type: Fairy-type
*ane *0.5 *0.5 *2 *2 *0.5 *0.5 *two *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *1 *1 *0 *0.5 *ane *1
Wild Hold Particular Egg Groups


Sunday Evolve Brionne
Moon Evolve Brionne
Ultra Sunday Evolve Brionne
Ultra Moon Evolve Brionne
Trainer Locations Details

Flavor Text

Sun Information technology controls its water balloons with vocal. The melody is learned from others of its kind and is passed down from one generation to the side by side.
Moon Its singing voice is its chief weapon in battle. This Pokémon's Trainer must prioritize the daily maintenance of its pharynx at all costs.
Ultra Sun To Primarina, every battle is a stage. It takes downwardly its prey with beautiful singing and dancing.
Ultra Moon Besides known as a songstress, it has a fantastical look on moonlit nights when it leads its colony in song.


Level Upward Anchors Lord's day/Moon Ultra Lord's day/Ultra Moon

Dominicus/Moon Level Upwardly

Level Attack Name Type Cat. Att. Acc. PP Effect %
Evolve Sparkling Aria Sparkling Aria - Water-type Sparkling Aria: Special Move 90 100 10 --
The user bursts into vocal, emitting many bubbles. Any Pokémon suffering from a burn volition be healed by the touch of these bubbles.
Pound Pound - Normal-type Pound: Physical Move twoscore 100 35 --
The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
H2o Gun Water Gun - Water-type Water Gun: Special Move xl 100 25 --
The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Growl Growl - Normal-type Growl: Other Move -- 100 40 --
The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat.
Disarming Voice Disarming Voice - Fairy-type Disarming Voice: Special Move 40 -- fifteen --
Letting out a mannerly weep, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
four Growl Growl - Normal-type Growl: Other Move -- 100 twoscore --
The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat.
ix Convincing Vox Disarming Voice - Fairy-type Disarming Voice: Special Move twoscore -- 15 --
Letting out a charming weep, the user does emotional impairment to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
11 Baby-Doll Optics Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy-type Baby-Doll Eyes: Other Move -- 100 xxx --
The user stares at the target with its infant-doll eyes, which lowers its Assault stat. This move always goes showtime.
15 Aqua Jet Aqua Jet - Water-type Aqua Jet: Physical Move twoscore 100 20 --
The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. This move always goes kickoff.
19 Encore Encore - Normal-type Encore: Other Move -- 100 v --
The user compels the target to continue using the move information technology encored for iii turns.
24 Bubble Beam Bubble Beam - Water-type Bubble Beam: Special Move 65 100 20 10
A spray of bubbling is forcefully ejected at the target. This may too lower its Speed stat.
28 Sing Sing - Normal-type Sing: Other Move -- 55 xv --
A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming vocalisation that puts the target into a deep sleep.
33 Double Slap Double Slap - Normal-type Double Slap: Physical Move 15 85 x --
The target is slapped repeatedly, dorsum and along, two to five times in a row.
38 Hyper Voice Hyper Voice - Normal-type Hyper Voice: Special Move 90 100 10 --
The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict harm.
44 Moonblast Moonblast - Fairy-type Moonblast: Special Move 95 100 xv 30
Borrowing the ability of the moon, the user attacks the target. This may besides lower the target'due south Sp. Atk stat.
49 Obsess Captivate - Normal-type Captivate: Other Move -- 100 twenty --
If whatsoever opposing Pokémon is the opposite gender of the user, it is charmed, which harshly lowers its Sp. Atk stat.
55 Hydro Pump Hydro Pump - Water-type Hydro Pump: Special Move 110 80 five --
The target is blasted by a huge book of water launched under neat pressure.
threescore Misty Terrain Misty Terrain - Fairy-type Misty Terrain: Other Move -- -- x --
This protects Pokémon on the footing from status weather and halves harm from Dragon-blazon moves for 5 turns.

Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Level Upwards

Level Attack Name Type Cat. Att. Acc. PP Effect %
Evolve Sparkling Aria Sparkling Aria - Water-type Sparkling Aria: Special Move 90 100 ten --
The user bursts into song, emitting many bubbles. Any Pokémon suffering from a burn will be healed by the touch of these bubbles.
Pound Pound - Normal-type Pound: Physical Move 40 100 35 --
The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
Water Gun Water Gun - Water-type Water Gun: Special Move 40 100 25 --
The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Growl Growl - Normal-type Growl: Other Move -- 100 40 --
The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat.
Disarming Voice Disarming Voice - Fairy-type Disarming Voice: Special Move 40 -- xv --
Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
4 Growl Growl - Normal-type Growl: Other Move -- 100 40 --
The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat.
9 Convincing Voice Disarming Voice - Fairy-type Disarming Voice: Special Move 40 -- 15 --
Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
11 Baby-Doll Eyes Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy-type Baby-Doll Eyes: Other Move -- 100 30 --
The user stares at the target with its baby-doll eyes, which lowers its Attack stat. This move e'er goes first.
14 Aqua Jet Aqua Jet - Water-type Aqua Jet: Physical Move 40 100 20 --
The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. This move always goes first.
16 Icy Wind Icy Wind - Ice-type Icy Wind: Special Move 55 95 15 100
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This likewise lowers the opposing Pokémon's Speed stats.
19 Encore Encore - Normal-type Encore: Other Move -- 100 5 --
The user compels the target to keep using the move it encored for three turns.
24 Bubble Axle Bubble Beam - Water-type Bubble Beam: Special Move 65 100 xx 10
A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may as well lower its Speed stat.
28 Sing Sing - Normal-type Sing: Other Move -- 55 15 --
A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the target into a deep sleep.
33 Double Slap Double Slap - Normal-type Double Slap: Physical Move 15 85 10 --
The target is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
38 Hyper Vocalisation Hyper Voice - Normal-type Hyper Voice: Special Move xc 100 ten --
The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the ability to inflict damage.
44 Moonblast Moonblast - Fairy-type Moonblast: Special Move 95 100 15 30
Borrowing the ability of the moon, the user attacks the target. This may also lower the target'southward Sp. Atk stat.
49 Captivate Captivate - Normal-type Captivate: Other Move -- 100 xx --
If whatever opposing Pokémon is the opposite gender of the user, it is charmed, which harshly lowers its Sp. Atk stat.
55 Hydro Pump Hydro Pump - Water-type Hydro Pump: Special Move 110 lxxx 5 --
The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under swell pressure level.
60 Misty Terrain Misty Terrain - Fairy-type Misty Terrain: Other Move -- -- 10 --
This protects Pokémon on the ground from condition weather and halves damage from Dragon-type moves for five turns.

TM & HM Attacks

TM/HM # Assault Name Type True cat. Att. Acc. PP Event %
TM01 Work Upward Work Up - Normal-type Work Up: Other Move -- -- 30 --
The user is roused, and its Set on and Sp. Atk stats increase.
TM06 Toxic Toxic - Poison-type Toxic: Other Move -- 90 10 --
A motility that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
TM07 Hail Hail - Ice-type Hail: Other Move -- -- x --
The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Water ice type.
TM10 Hidden Power Hidden Power - Normal-type Hidden Power: Special Move sixty 100 15 --
A unique assault that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Beam - Ice-type Ice Beam: Special Move 90 100 10 10
The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. This may too exit the target frozen.
TM14 Blizzard Blizzard - Ice-type Blizzard: Special Move 110 lxx 5 10
A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon. This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen.
TM16 Light Screen Light Screen - Psychic-type Light Screen: Other Move -- -- xxx --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
TM17 Protect Protect - Normal-type Protect: Other Move -- -- x --
Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of declining rises if information technology is used in succession.
TM18 Rain Trip the light fantastic Rain Dance - Water-type Rain Dance: Other Move -- -- 5 --
The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up H2o-type moves. It lowers the ability of Fire-type moves.
TM21 Frustration Frustration - Normal-type Frustration: Physical Move ?? 100 xx --
This full-power assault grows more than powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.
TM27 Render Return - Normal-type Return: Physical Move ?? 100 20 --
This full-ability set on grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer.
TM29 Psychic Psychic - Psychic-type Psychic: Special Move 90 100 10 10
The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may besides lower the target'southward Sp. Def stat.
TM30 Shadow Brawl Shadow Ball - Ghost-type Shadow Ball: Special Move eighty 100 fifteen twenty
The user hurls a shadowy hulk at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM32 Double Team Double Team - Normal-type Double Team: Other Move -- -- 15 --
Past moving apace, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
TM33 Reflect Reflect - Psychic-type Reflect: Other Move -- -- 20 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.
TM42 Facade Facade - Normal-type Facade: Physical Move 70 100 20 --
This attack movement doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.
TM44 Rest Rest - Psychic-type Rest: Other Move -- -- 10 --
The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user'southward HP and heals whatsoever status atmospheric condition.
TM45 Attract Attract - Normal-type Attract: Other Move -- 100 15 --
If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less probable to set on.
TM48 Round Round - Normal-type Round: Special Move sixty 100 15 --
The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Circular to increase the power of the attack.
TM49 Echoed Voice Echoed Voice - Normal-type Echoed Voice: Special Move 40 100 15 --
The user attacks the target with an echoing voice. If this move is used every plough, its power is increased.
TM53 Energy Ball Energy Ball - Grass-type Energy Ball: Special Move 90 100 10 10
The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. This may also lower the target'south Sp. Def stat.
TM55 Scald Scald - Water-type Scald: Special Move 80 100 15 30
The user shoots boiling hot water at its target. This may also leave the target with a burn down.
TM62 Acrobatics Acrobatics - Flying-type Acrobatics: Physical Move 55 100 15 --
The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an particular, this attack inflicts massive impairment.
TM68 Giga Touch Giga Impact - Normal-type Giga Impact: Physical Move 150 90 v --
The user charges at the target using every bit of its ability. The user can't motion on the next plow.
TM77 Psych Upward Psych Up - Normal-type Psych Up: Other Move -- -- 10 --
The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat alter made by the target.
TM87 Swagger Swagger - Normal-type Swagger: Other Move -- 85 xv --
The user enrages and confuses the target. Notwithstanding, this also sharply raises the target'southward Attack stat.
TM88 Slumber Talk Sleep Talk - Normal-type Sleep Talk: Other Move -- -- 10 --
While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
TM90 Substitute Substitute - Normal-type Substitute: Other Move -- -- 10 --
The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.
TM94 Surf Surf - Water-type Surf: Special Move 90 100 15 --
The user attacks everything effectually it by swamping its surroundings with a giant wave.
TM98 Waterfall Waterfall - Water-type Waterfall: Physical Move 80 100 15 20
The user charges at the target and may make it blanch.
TM99 Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam - Fairy-type Dazzling Gleam: Special Move 80 100 10 --
The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.
TM100 Confide Confide - Normal-type Confide: Other Move -- -- 20 100
The user tells the target a clandestine, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.

Egg Moves (Details)

Attack Proper noun Type Cat. Att. Acc. PP Issue %
Charm Charm - Fairy-type Charm: Other Move -- 100 20 -- Details
The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers its Attack stat.
Amnesia Amnesia - Psychic-type Amnesia: Other Move -- -- 20 -- Details
The user temporarily empties its heed to forget its concerns. This sharply raises the user's Sp. Def stat.
Aqua Ring Aqua Ring - Water-type Aqua Ring: Other Move -- -- 20 -- Details
The user envelops itself in a veil made of h2o. It regains some HP every turn.
Effluvious Mist Aromatic Mist - Fairy-type Aromatic Mist: Other Move -- -- 20 -- Details
The user raises the Sp. Def stat of an marry Pokémon by using a mysterious smell.
Perish Vocal Perish Song - Normal-type Perish Song: Other Move -- -- five -- Details
Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns, unless it switches out of battle.
Wonder Room Wonder Room - Psychic-type Wonder Room: Other Move -- -- 10 -- Details
The user creates a bizarre expanse in which Pokémon's Defence and Sp. Def stats are swapped for five turns.

Move Tutor Attacks

Assault Name Blazon Cat. Att. Acc. PP Effect %
Hydro Cannon 150 ninety 5 --
The target is hit with a watery boom. The user tin't motility on the adjacent plow.
Water Pledge lxxx 100 ten --
A cavalcade of water strikes the target. When combined with its burn equivalent, its ability increases and a rainbow appears.

Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Movement Tutor Attacks

Assail Name Blazon Cat. Att. Acc. PP Effect %
Covet Covet - Normal-type Covet: Physical Move 60 100 25 --
The user endearingly approaches the target, then steals the target's held detail.
Uproar Uproar - Normal-type Uproar: Special Move 90 100 10 --
The user attacks in an uproar for 3 turns. During that time, no Pokémon can fall asleep.
Magic Coat Magic Coat - Psychic-type Magic Coat: Other Move -- -- fifteen --
A barrier reflects back to the target moves similar Leech Seed and moves that damage status.
Icy Wind Icy Wind - Ice-type Icy Wind: Special Move 55 95 15 100
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This besides lowers the opposing Pokémon'south Speed stats.
Aqua Tail Aqua Tail - Water-type Aqua Tail: Physical Move 90 xc x --
The user attacks by swinging its tail equally if it were a brutal wave in a raging tempest.
Hyper Voice Hyper Voice - Normal-type Hyper Voice: Special Move 90 100 10 --
The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the ability to inflict damage.
Iron Tail Iron Tail - Steel-type Iron Tail: Physical Move 100 75 fifteen xxx
The target is slammed with a steel-hard tail. This may likewise lower the target's Defense stat.
Snore Snore - Normal-type Snore: Special Move 50 100 15 30
This attack tin be used only if the user is comatose. The harsh racket may besides make the target flinch.
Water Pulse Water Pulse - Water-type Water Pulse: Special Move lx 100 20 20
The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. This may also confuse the target.
Helping Manus Helping Hand - Normal-type Helping Hand: Other Move -- -- 20 --
The user assists an marry by boosting the power of that ally's attack.
Wonder Room Wonder Room - Psychic-type Wonder Room: Other Move -- -- 10 --
The user creates a baroque area in which Pokémon'southward Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped for five turns.
Liquidation Liquidation - Water-type Liquidation: Physical Move 85 100 10 20
The user slams into the target using a full-force nail of water. This may also lower the target'southward Defense force stat.

Usable Z Moves

Assault Proper noun Type Cat. Max Att. Acc. PP Issue %
Breakneck Blitz Breakneck Blitz - Normal-type Physical Move Special Move 200(Phy)/175(Spe) -- one --
The user builds upwardly its momentum using its Z-Power and crashes into the target at full speed. The power varies, depending on the original movement.
Supersonic Skystrike Supersonic Skystrike - Flying-type Physical Move 100 -- 1 --
The user soars up with its Z-Ability and plummets toward the target at full speed. The power varies, depending on the original move.
Never-Ending Nightmare Never-Ending Nightmare - Ghost-type Special Move 160 -- one --
Deep-seated grudges summoned by the user'due south Z-Power trap the target. The power varies, depending on the original move.
Corkscrew Crash Corkscrew Crash - Steel-type Physical Move 180 -- one --
The user spins very fast and rams into the target with the full force of its Z-Power. The ability varies, depending on the original move.
Hydro Vortex Hydro Vortex - Water-type Physical Move Special Move 175(Phy)/200(Spe) -- 1 --
The user creates a huge whirling current using its Z-Power to eat the target with full force. The ability varies, depending on the original move.
Bloom Doom Bloom Doom - Grass-type Special Move 175 -- 1 --
The user collects energy from plants using its Z-Power and attacks the target with full force. The power varies, depending on the original move.
Shattered Psyche Shattered Psyche - Psychic-type Special Move 175 -- 1 --
The user controls the target with its Z-Power and hurts the target with total force. The ability varies, depending on the original motility.
Subzero Slammer Subzero Slammer - Ice-type Special Move 185 -- 1 --
The user dramatically drops the temperature using its Z-Power and freezes the target with full strength. The power varies, depending on the original move.
Twinkle Tackle Twinkle Tackle - Fairy-type Special Move 175 -- 1 --
The user creates a very mannerly infinite using its Z-Power and totally toys with the target. The power varies, depending on the original motion.
Oceanic Operetta Oceanic Operetta - Water-type Special Move 195 -- 1 --
The user, Primarina, summons a massive amount of water using its Z-Ability and attacks the target with total strength.


HP Set on Defense Sp. Assail Sp. Defense force Speed
Base Stats - Full: 530 eighty 74 74 126 116 threescore
Max Stats
Hindering Nature
Lv. 50 140 - 187 71 - 113 71 - 113 117 - 160 108 - 151 58 - 100
Lv. 100 270 - 364 137 - 222 137 - 222 231 - 315 213 - 297 112 - 197
Max Stats
Neutral Nature
Lv. 50 140 - 187 79 - 126 79 - 126 131 - 178 121 - 168 65 - 112
Lv. 100 270 - 364 153 - 247 153 - 247 257 - 351 237 - 331 125 - 219
Max Stats
Beneficial Nature
Lv. fifty 140 - 187 86 - 138 86 - 138 144 - 195 133 - 184 71 - 123
Lv. 100 270 - 364 168 - 271 168 - 271 282 - 386 260 - 364 137 - 240

When Does Primarina Learn Sparkling Aria,


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