No matter your experience level, yous have what it takes to train for a backpacking trip that volition inspire for a lifetime. This backpacking grooming guide will intermission down the most important things you lot need to know to gear up for your next gamble. Once you commit to succeed, we firmly believe you can do anything you put your mind to! So let's pause out the calendar and brainstorm our grooming.

Set Your Training Goals

If you are going to dedicate the fourth dimension to train for a major backpacking trip, information technology is essential to railroad train smart. That means understanding what you can expect to confront on the trail and developing concrete goals and a plan. Below is a listing of what a typical "workload" may expect similar during a solar day on the trail:

  • Hiking for 5 to 9 hours (non including breaks)
  • Uneven and varied terrain
  • Hiking uphill and downhill
  • Up to 4,000′ of elevation gain, or loss, in a day
  • Stream crossings
  • Hiking sandy terrain, or snowfields
  • Talus, scree and boulders
  • Marshy sections of trail
  • Hiking at high altitude
  • Hiking in extreme temperatures
  • Early on forenoon starts
  • Hiking with a heavy pack

It is going to be extremely fun and rewarding at the cease of every mean solar day!

Now grooming for all these challenges tin seem daunting, especially when you lot try to fit it into your busy daily routine. But nosotros know y'all already accept some strengths – perchance you're an active hiker, or an early riser, or live at high elevation. Maybe yous take smashing core strength but need to bump up your cardio and endurance. Maybe you are a rock star athlete, but unsure about your gear. To help you narrow in on what is virtually important for your training, we will break downward backpacking training into three buckets: Physical Conditioning, Mental Grooming and Dialing in Your Gear.

Get Serious About Physical Workout

After each TSX backpacking challenge we survey participants, and ask "What advice or recommendation would y'all share with future participants?" Here is the number 1 recommendation:

"Become serious about grooming. The trails are more than difficult than you would expect!"

TSX Challenges experiences are backpacking treks which ways you lot'll exist hiking long distances with your nutrient, shelter and clothing strapped to your dorsum over uneven terrain. To prepare your body for backpacking you need to focus on cardio, core strength and balance. If you're an active individual who runs, plays sports, hikes, exercises regularly, or is physically active at work, you're on your style to success! For others, information technology takes time and planning to develop strength and endurance. We recommend you lot outset preparation at least two to four months out from your departure appointment. Pause out your calendar, set up some goals and starting time planning.


Train for backpacking by making cardio workouts a priority. In a perfect globe you would be doing existent training hikes with a weighted haversack several times a week. We realize this isn't practical for almost of u.s. who take jobs, families and other social commitments. Equally a substitute nosotros suggest you lot pencil in 2 to four cardio sessions of your preference (run, walk, cycle, swim, youtube cardio etc.) each week and then endeavour to work in a longer training hike on the weekends or your fourth dimension off. If y'all can add some elevation to your cardio workouts, all the better! This could be hiking hills in your surface area or stairs in your office building or apartment circuitous. You can even walk up and down the stands at the nearest loftier school football stadium. Backpacking experiences involve sections of steep climbing and descent and then train your legs to go up and down. Another best practice is to wear a haversack with weight in it during your training hikes, or even if you are going out to walk the dog in the morning time. Multi-task and maximize your use of time!

Core Force

The next element of your physical preparation should be around legs and core strength. Try to mix in a few sets of trunk weight squats, lunges or planks each week. Yoga is a neat activeness to mix into your workout routine for core strength as well. Y'all want to focus on full body, chemical compound motions that will help you build strength, flexibility and work all those stabilizer muscles many of us forget we have.


Those stabilizers are going to be key for balance and that is the third colonnade of your physical training foundation. The best grooming here is hiking and walking on uneven terrain. If you're a metropolis dweller and this isn't actually an pick, try standing on one pes for thirty seconds each solar day. Or practise balancing on a Bosu Brawl or walking a straight line on a curb. It may seem silly, but if y'all know rest is your weakness this could help prevent injury.

Finally, call up to prepare goals for each activity you lot plan out! And when it's goal time, get serious! Whether you are measuring time, altitude, frequency, heart charge per unit, superlative etc. set a goal before y'all start and evaluate your issue after each activity! Determine what worked, and what didn't, and so set yourself up for success by making adjustments for your next attempt. Develop a programme each week to meliorate and get stronger.

Incorporate Mental Grooming

The second saucepan to consider when yous railroad train for backpacking is mental preparation. This involves preparing your body for the soft challenges associated with life on the trail.


First, yous should be prepared to backpack through a wide range of temperatures. While we plan out our trips to take advantage of the best temperatures possible, the reality is that weather condition in the Thousand Coulee and Sierra can be volatile with potential for extreme rut or cold for any given week. Scheduling training hikes in the oestrus, or in the brisk morning hours can assistance set you for the challenges you may meet. Hot weather condition hiking requires consistent drinking and the regular consumption of salty snacks to keep your body in balance. Cold weather hiking requires mental fortitude, regular snacks, and often involves finding a pace to manage sweat under layers of warmth.

Wet Weather

2nd, prepare yourself to backpack through wet weather conditions. We've experienced August snows in the high Sierra, May blizzard conditions in the Chiliad Canyon, and wind, rain and hail during each month on the trail. Hiking in cold wet conditions can nowadays a serious mental claiming. If the opportunity presents itself, take a walk, hike or run in the rain to go yourself mentally prepared for the claiming that may exist ahead and test out your rain gear.

Early Mornings

Third, prepare yourself for early morning starts. Commencement our day early in the morning is a common tool we employ to manage expected heat or a forecasted afternoon thunderstorms. Past early, we mean waking upward before 5:00AM to begin hiking earlier sun-upwards. If you are not an early riser, this might be an element you can train for. Fix the alarm clock and pepper in a few early morning walks or hikes so you can set up for the mental challenge of quick morning time starts on the trail. Note, even with early morning starts, nosotros volition accept coffee available for those who need it!

Fourth dimension Away From Loved Ones

Finally, and this is oft overlooked, be prepared for the emotional moments that come with backpacking through difficult weather while being abroad from friends and loved ones for an extended period. A great backpacking route has nil cell reception for 99% of your time on the trail (and nosotros only do smashing backpacking routes!). This is a welcome part of the feel for most! Merely consider the fact that y'all will be out of contact with friends and family for multiple nights on the trail – no email, no net or social media, nada. Remember to have those family photos pre-loaded on your phone or bring a special token with you to go along those happy thoughts shut past when you demand to dig deep!

Railroad train for Backpacking By Dialing in your Gear

The terminal attribute of your grooming should be dialing in your backpacking gear. Nosotros make it as easy as possible for people with express or no backpacking feel to join our treks. We provide all major gear for those who need it, and if y'all follow our gear checklist and backpacking checklist video, yous'll be well prepared with a lite-weight pack. However, incorporating your gear at home into your training process volition go a long ways to improving your backpacking experience. Here are three ways to yous can train for backpacking with the gear you have at habitation.


Train in the footwear y'all plan on using on the trail. That means using the aforementioned shoes and the aforementioned socks. Purchase footwear in advance and be sure to pause your shoes in. Check out our footwear web log postal service for more tips and so that you don't get the blues hiking in wet or small shoes!


Train and be prepared to hike in pants and long-sleeve shirts. In the Grand Canyon, pants and long sleeves will protect you lot from thorny trail and extreme sun exposure. In the Sierra, pants and long sleeves will provided extra protection against mosquitoes, especially during the months of June and July.

Practise a New Routine

Life on the trail is dissimilar than life at habitation. The about common routines can take time to adjust to as nosotros move from military camp to military camp each night. Making your bed, packing your handbag, brushing your teeth and eating breakfast can of a sudden become organizational challenges. Think well-nigh organizing and simplifying your items on our gear checklist, then exercise preparing yourself and packing a bag earlier a workout at dwelling house!

Setting and Measuring Goals

To necktie these three elements of training together we recommend you set a goal and plan for each item that you view equally a major challenge.

For example, a goal might be "I want to suspension downward my tent/slumber system, eat breakfast and load my pack all within 30 minutes before I hit the trail." So at present we have our goal!  The side by side footstep is to gear up yourself upwards for success. For this example, that means developing a system in which you lot pack your purse, intermission downwards your sleep system and even ready and eat breakfast. In this step yous might fifty-fifty do. After that you lot are ready to attempt the achievement of your goal.

Hither is something critical, exist sure to take this to heart with every goal you lot attempt to achieve. When it is goal time, become serious! For this example, that means opening up your stop watch app, timing yourself from start to stop and immediately evaluating what worked and what didn't. If you achieved your goal, nifty! That is a battle won! If you didn't make your goal, that's okay as well, simply don't let it go by the wayside! Throw it back on the schedule at least vii days later and use those vii days to fix yourself upwardly for success! In both scenarios (fifty-fifty when your goal is met) it is important to evaluate the outcome and your performance. Use that information to refine your approach and become stronger.

Schedule out each week for at least 2 months leading up to your trip. Schedule your cardio and strength training days and set goals that will assistance you increment your abilities in that time. If you lot need boosted help or support, join one of our online backpacking classes or attain out. We're here to help!

Download our TSX Challenge Sample Training Calendar for quick tips and ideas on how to start planning!

Preparation Will Pay Dividends

We pride ourselves on helping people of all shapes, sizes and ages access remote parts of the Sierra and Grand Coulee. The common elements of success includes a lot of heart, concrete grit, and mental determination. We are here to back up your backpacking grooming goals every step of the manner. Everyone will have their challenging moment on the trail, however, the physical conditioning and preparation you put in before your trek will go a long style to ensuring yous have the best possible experience.

With TSX yous will experience some of the most remote, to the lowest degree traveled regions of our nation'southward back country, and hopefully walk away with renewed conviction that you tin do anything y'all put your listen to. We are excited to share that experience with you!