
How To Learn Proper Grammar

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With all the rules and guidelines governing the utilize of English grammar, it's little wonder that so many people discover the subject intimidating. Grammar is a complex structure, so earlier you learn how to compose groovy pieces of English language writing or speech, you need to understand the grammar building blocks leading up to more circuitous forms. With plenty time, effort, and practice, though, yous can eventually become a master of English grammar.

  1. 1

    Learn the parts of speech. Every word in the English language linguistic communication can be categorized every bit a specific function of speech communication. The parts of speech practise not define what a word is. Instead, they describe how to use that word.

    • A noun is a person, place, or thing.[1] Example: grandma, schoolhouse, pencil
    • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun within a sentence. Instance: he, she, they
    • Articles are special terms that continue a noun within a sentence. The three articles are: a, an, the
    • An adjective modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Example: red, tall
    • A verb is a discussion that describes an activity or country of beingness. Example: exist, run, sleep
    • An adverb modifies or describes a verb. Adverbs tin besides be used to change adjectives. Example: happily, wonderfully
    • A conjunction joins ii parts of a sentence together. Example: and, merely
    • A preposition is used in combination with a noun or pronoun to create a phrase that modifies other parts of speech, like a verb, substantive, pronoun, or adjective. Instance: upward, down, of, from
    • Interjections are words that express an emotional state. Example: wow, ouch, hey
  2. 2

    Explore the rules governing each part of speech in greater depth. About parts of spoken communication have additional rules governing their usage. If you want to master English language grammar, you will need to study these rules in particular. Make note of the following for your studies:[2]

    • Nouns can be: atypical or plural; proper or mutual; collective; count or not-count; abstract or concrete; gerunds
    • Pronouns can be: personal, possessive, reflexive, intensive, reciprocal, indefinite, demonstrative, interrogative, or relative
    • Adjectives can exist used on their own, for the sake of making comparisons, or every bit superlatives.
    • Adverbs are either relative adverbs or adverbs of frequency.
    • Conjunctions are either analogous or correlative.
    • Verbs tin can be: action verbs or linking verbs; main verbs or auxiliary/helping verbs
    • The articles "a" and "an" are indefinite, while the commodity "the" is definite.


  3. 3

    Know how to write numbers. Unmarried-digit numbers (nix through 9) should be spelled out in word form, but double-digit numbers (10 and upward) should be written in numerical form.[3]

    • All numbers inside a judgement should either be spelled out or written numerically. Practise not mix and friction match.
      • Correct instance: I bought xiv apples simply my sis but bought two apples.
      • Incorrect instance: I bought 14 apples but my sister only bought ii apples.
    • Never get-go a sentence with a number written in numerical grade.
    • Spell out simple fractions and use hyphens with them. Example: half
    • A mixed fraction can be written numerically. Case: 5 1/2
    • Write decimals in numerical figures. Example: 0.92
    • Employ commas when writing numbers with four or more digits. Example: i,234,567
    • Write out the numerical figure when specifying the twenty-four hour period of the month. Example: June i


  1. 1

    Larn how to structure a basic sentence. At minimum, every sentence consists of a subject and an activeness. A sentence that lacks either one is a judgement fragment and is considered to exist improper.

    • The subject field is usually a noun or pronoun, and the activity is conveyed using a verb.
    • Correct instance: The canis familiaris ran.
      • Note that the subject is indicated in italics and the action is indicated in bold print.
    • Incorrect example: Yesterday afternoon.
    • Expand your sentences into more complex forms after mastering this basic format.
  2. ii

    Maintain correct subject area/verb understanding. Within a sentence, both the subject and verb must share the same singular/plural country. You lot cannot utilize the atypical form of a verb with a plural subject; a plural subject must accept a plural verb.[4]

    • Correct example: They are at school.
    • Incorrect example: They is at school.
    • When two singular subjects are connected with the give-and-take "and" (he and his blood brother), the subject becomes plural. When connected past "or" or "nor" (he or his brother), the field of study is singular.
    • Collective nouns, like "family" or "team," are treated as atypical nouns and require a atypical verb.
  3. 3

    Class chemical compound sentences. Compound sentences are the easiest judgement class to master afterward the bones judgement. Utilise a conjunction to join two related thoughts into i judgement rather than forming two separate sentences.

    • Instead of: The dog ran. He was fast.
      • Use: The dog ran and he was fast.
    • Instead of: We looked for the missing book. We could non find it.
      • Employ: We looked for the missing book simply could non find it.
  4. iv

    Practice using conditional phrases. A conditional judgement describes a situation in which 1 function of the sentence is true merely if the other part is true. They can also be referred to as "if, and so" statements, but the word "then" will non ever announced when the judgement is written.[5]

    • Instance: If y'all ask your mother, and so she will take you to the store.
      • Note, even so, that it would also be correct to write: If you inquire your mother, she will take you to the store.
      • Both forms are still conditional.
  5. 5

    Understand how to employ clauses. Use clauses to form complex sentences. Clauses are the "building blocks" that can be used to expand a sentence past its basic form. They can either exist independent or dependent.[6]

    • An independent clause has its own field of study and verb. As a result, it could stand equally its own judgement. Annotation that compound sentences, as mentioned previously, consist of contained clauses.
      • Example: She felt sad, just her friends cheered her up.
      • Both "she felt sad" and "her friends cheered her up" could stand as separate sentences.
    • A dependent clause is 1 that could not stand as its own judgement.
      • Example: While he agreed with his blood brother, the boy would non acknowledge to it.
      • The clause "While he agreed with his brother" would not make sense a separate sentence, so it is a dependent clause.
  6. 6

    Manage punctuation. There are multiple punctuation marks and various rules governing their usage. You lot should written report these rules in detail, but kickoff, you need a bones agreement of how each punctuation mark is used.[vii]

    • Periods (.) mark the end of a statement judgement.
    • Ellipses (...) signal that a portion of text has been removed from the passage.
    • Commas (,) separate words or word groups when a interruption is necessary but a menses is inappropriate.
    • Semicolons (;) should exist used in complex sentences that lack a connecting conjunction.
    • Colons (:) are used to innovate lists within a sentence.
    • Question marks (?) are used at the end of a sentence when the sentence asks a question.
    • Assertion points (!) are used at the cease of a statement sentence to betoken surprise or accent.
    • Quotation marks (") dissever words spoken by some other person from the rest of the text.
    • Parentheses () enclose information that clarifies a preceding thought.
    • Apostrophes (') separate contractions and testify possession.


  1. 1

    Learn virtually paragraph structure. A basic paragraph consists of 3 to seven sentences. Each paragraph must have a topic judgement, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

    • The topic sentence is usually the offset judgement in the paragraph. It is the most general judgement and introduces the thought you plan to hash out throughout the rest of the paragraph.
      • Example: English grammer is a complex topic that covers a range of data.
    • The supporting sentences explain the thought presented in the topic judgement with greater detail.
      • Example: English language grammer is a complex topic that covers a range of information. At the "word" level, one must acquire almost parts of oral communication. At the "judgement" level, topics like sentence structure, subject/verb agreement, and clauses must exist explored. The rules governing punctuation apply are also a role of "sentence" level grammar. Once a person starts writing larger piece, he or she must also acquire almost paragraph structure and organization.
    • The terminal sentence summarizes the information presented in the paragraph. It is non ever necessary, only you should still know how to write one.
      • Example: English grammer is a complex topic that covers a range of information. At the "word" level, i must learn most parts of speech. At the "sentence" level, topics like judgement structure, bailiwick/verb agreement, and clauses must be explored. The rules governing punctuation use are also a part of "sentence" level grammar. Once a person starts writing larger piece, he or she must also learn most paragraph structure and organization. All of these rules ascertain and describe how to write English correctly.
    • Too note that the first sentence of a paragraph should be indented a few spaces to the right of the paragraph'due south left edge.
  2. 2

    Vary sentences within a paragraph. While you lot could technically have a paragraph that uses nothing but basic sentences, a ameliorate and more grammatically pleasing paragraph will have a multifariousness of simple and complex sentences.

    • Correct example: I dearest my cat. He has soft, orange fur. On cold days, he likes to cuddle next to me for warmth. I think that my cat is the greatest cat e'er, and I am really happy to accept him.
    • Incorrect example: I dearest my cat. He is orangish. His fur is soft. He cuddles next to me on cold days. My cat is the greatest cat. I am actually happy to accept him.
  3. three

    Organize longer pieces. After you feel comfortable with your paragraph writing skills, attempt writing longer works, like bookish essays. Essay writing is a separate subject, so you should study about information technology in greater detail. There are a few things you should proceed in mind as you brainstorm, though.

    • Organize your essay past writing an introductory paragraph, three or more trunk paragraphs, and a last paragraph.
    • The introductory paragraph must be a general paragraph that presents the master idea without providing detail. The supporting paragraphs must expand on this main idea with greater detail, and each paragraph should embrace its own separate point. The terminal paragraph restates and summarizes the information presented in the essay and does not innovate any new information.


  1. 1

    Understand that this is simply the showtime. The rules and information provided in this commodity will not teach yous everything you lot need to know about English grammar. This article is intended to serve as a starting indicate in your studies. The actual bailiwick of English grammar is much more complex, and you will demand to devote a lot of time and endeavour if you really want to acquire it.

  2. 2

    Compare grammar rules. [viii] If you are learning English as a second language, compare the rules of English grammar to the grammar rules of your native linguistic communication. Some aspects volition be like while others volition differ.

    • When the rules are the same, rely on the knowledge you accept of your native grammer to aid you with English language grammar.
    • When the rules differ, devote more fourth dimension and concentration on practicing those aspects of English grammar as you report.
  3. 3

    Do a lot of reading. People who practise a lot of reading tend to exist more proficient with English grammar in their ain writing and speech.

    • This does not refer to grammar books. Grammar books are helpful, of course, but the principle of this pace is a unlike one.
    • Read books, magazines, or other materials written in English that y'all savor. The more than often y'all read, the more familiar you will naturally go with the manner that grammer is used in discussion, sentence, and paragraph levels. Learning the rules of English grammar is an of import step, but you will be able to put those rules into do better if yous are actually used to seeing proper grammar.
  4. 4

    Accept a grade. If you are currently in schoolhouse, look for a special constituent form that focuses on grammar or a tutoring opportunity provided through your school. If you are no longer in schoolhouse, consider taking a grammer form at a community higher, community center, or library. Y'all could besides look for a course online.

    • For non-native English language speakers, look for classes specifically designed for students who are learning English language as a secondary linguistic communication. These classes are usually labeled as ESL (English language equally a Second Language), ENL (English as a New Language), or ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes.
  5. five

    Find a mentor. If formal classes practice non aid, find a mentor who tin review grammar rules with you one-on-ane. This mentor could exist a teacher, professor, or professional tutor. On the other hand, it could also be a parent, sibling, friend, or other relative who has a strong grasp of the English and is willing to assist out.

  6. 6

    Await for additional data on your own. Go to a bookstore and purchase an English grammer workbook, or hop online and admission some gratis grammar resources through the Internet.

    • As a general rule, look for Internet sources that come from educational (.edu) websites. Examples include:
      • The Guide to Grammer and Writing by Upper-case letter Customs College Foundation (
      • Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (
  7. 7

    Practice. To a higher place all else, practice makes perfect. The more yous can practise English grammer, the improve you'll get with it.


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  • Question

    Is at that place a website that does grammar for me?


    There are numerous resources available for grammar, including websites, software, and browser extensions. Some of my favorites are Grammerly, Ginger, Hemingway, and

  • Question

    What is the right respond in this sentence, and why? "Gloria Arroyo is a adept leader. Many____ (woman/women) admires her."


    The discussion "many" implies more than i (plural). Therefore, y'all say "women" (plural) rather than "woman" (singular). Use "admire" to match "women." One woman admires her, but "many women admire her."

  • Question

    Why written report English grammer?


    If y'all want English language speakers to take you lot seriously or consider you knowledgeable or persuasive, you will want to use proper grammar when you speak or write in English. If you don't care well-nigh that, and then there's no need to bother with it.

  • Question

    How do I improve my English language?


    Read written English language and listen to spoken English every bit often every bit possible. Imitate what you read and hear.

  • Question

    How must I write the time correctly, in numerical form or spelled out?

    Community Answer

    In numerical form, unless it is "on the 60 minutes," such as 4:00, in which case information technology is also correct to write 4 o'clock.

  • Question

    How do I know when to double a consonant in the center of a give-and-take, similar in 'commission'?


    In that location is no rule for that. It's just a matter of memorizing which words accept single consonants and which have double.

  • Question

    Is reading newspaper, novels and magazines enough to learn English language grammar?


    Yes, if you read a lot of professional English writing, that volition help you learn proper grammer.

  • Question

    Where should ane apply hanged instead of hung?


    Use "hanged" when the object of the hanging is a person. Use "hung" when the object is annihilation else.

  • Question

    Can I get a job as a TEFL teacher in Vietnam if I am a non-native English speaker? If yes, how?



    Community Answer

    It'south okay if yous're non-native. You just accept to be fluent in English. If you are, then explicate that to the person interviewing you or whoever y'all are talking to, to get the task. If you lot have a non-Vietnamese accent though and you take another strong foreign accent (non American or British), it might be difficult.

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About This Article

Article Summary 10

Learning English grammar tin can seem really complicated at first, but one time you learn the basics, information technology should feel more natural. If yous're only starting to learn English, focus on the parts of oral communication, like nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Once you understand these, learn how to put together a elementary judgement using a verb and an action. For instance, "The dog ran," or "The boy laughed." Brand sure your nouns and verbs are both singular or plural. For instance, in the sentence "The children are at school," both the noun and verb are plural, which are "children" and "are". If it was singular, the sentence would be "The kid is at school." After that, acquire basic punctuation, like ending every judgement with a menses and separating clauses with commas. You lot should also read books and magazines in English and so you lot can run across how everything fits together and have fun while you learn. For more tips, including how to learn compound sentences in English language, read on!

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