internet station

The total-length title of this article should be x ways the Internet and the smartphone take changed the mode we live - as humans and customers - and how businesses must evolve to improve their client feel and survive the digital transformation.

Nosotros all recognize mobile technology as the real game-changer in the creation of the globe as we feel it today. The hidden truth, though, is that there would exist no smartphone without the Cyberspace revolution. We are the result of this revolution.

Can y'all imagine your life without the Internet?

We tin beginning with one simple question: Can you imagine your life without the Internet? Just close your eyes for a moment and think almost what life was before the spider web. You can barely remember that fourth dimension if you were born and grew up before the Internet. If y'all are a digital native, this task is simply impossible.

Millennials - also known as digital customers - will never experience a globe with no connectivity and mobile devices. Yes, in that location are still (small) areas of our planet non wired and cabled but - at least for us living in developed countries - it is hard to imagine a life earlier Google, Amazon, Apple or Facebook.

If you search on Google (where else!), y'all will find tons of experiments or researches about life without the Cyberspace. They all come downwards to one single definitive truth: "I cannot fifty-fifty imagine my life without the Net or the smartphone. It is an integral part of who I am." (Gallup)

The Internet is still relatively young (it just celebrated its 32th birthday in 2021) and even so the connectivity has already produced long-lasting effects. It all started with a cablevision plugged into the phone line, and now we possess the unabridged earth in the palm of our hand.

There is one verbal moment that changed things forever, and that was when the Internet came out of our home, held inside a pocket-sized box chosen smartphone.

Co-ordinate to the "Worldwide digital population every bit of January 2021" by Joseph Johnson, we take reached 4.66 billion continued people in the globe. In other words, well-nigh 59.5%  of the worldwide population is now online, at home and on mobile devices.

Every single action of our daily life is influenced by continued beingness:

  • More than than 50 one thousand thousand pieces of content are shared every day;
  • More than i billion websites are online;
  • More than 500 million Tweets are sent every day,
  • More 50 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook each month;
  • More than 15 billion items have been sold on Amazon in 2021, with xl% of those sold past 3rd-party sellers.

What is truthful for people is, even more, true for organizations. The mode y'all do business today is completely dissimilar from the all-time practices taken for granted only a decade ago. All certainties suddenly disappeared, washed away from a stream of connectivity. The Internet has brought treats just also huge opportunities, for those able to respond timely and unlock the ability of emerging technologies.

The years pass past, but the rules of the competition remain the aforementioned: y'all succeed merely if you can sympathize what is going on, if you adapt to the evolution of technology and behaviors, and if you lot respond to the unprecedented demands of new customers. Business concern and engineering science become paw in hand, and so does the customer experience.

Any assay of how life has changed may look similar a trip down memory lane, but it also helps you sympathize where nosotros are all headed for as human beings, customers, and organizations. So, hither are the 10 ways the Net has inverse (and will keep changing) the way we live.

The 10 ways the Internet has changed the mode we live


Where practise you become when you are collecting data well-nigh a product or looking for an respond? Google, of form. The Internet has get the primary source of information, and search engines the main door to access information technology. Thanks to the smartphone, you lot have the complete knowledge in your pocket. Education, essays, product comparing, self-improvement tips, technical details, diets, do it yourself, lolcats, the Cyberspace has it all. If you are a make, yous need to be there with meaningful contents.


Do y'all however call up phone calls and letters? Nosotros have witnessed a circuitous evolution in the style nosotros connect with other people and with companies. Kickoff came the chat rooms and forums, so - peculiarly later on the spread of smartphones - social networks and online communities. Face up to confront communication is even so important but nosotros increasingly rely on broad circles of strangers to decide what to exercise and what to purchase. In the mobile era, communication is about building networks.


The success of Amazon, eBay, and online marketplaces says that visiting the physical location of a store is no longer mandatory if you desire to make a purchase. Shopping for a particular particular looks like a journeying beyond channels: you lot tin can see a production in the store, search for information online, compare prices betwixt retailers, make the buy in-app and option it up at the store. The disruption of the retail industry always implies the renovation of the retail customer experience.


Not and so long ago, the essence of travel was the idea of discovery. Is it nonetheless? Today, you can know everything almost a place fifty-fifty earlier leaving habitation. And planning has never been so easy and cheap: You have websites for data, mobile apps for real-fourth dimension discount and offers, virtual reality for a full 3D immersion. Even when you lot are at that place, mobile engineering science is there for y'all: Uber for affordable transfers, Airbnb for cheap stays, Google Maps to detect the way, TripAdvisors for gourmet restaurants. Who needs travel agencies anymore?


Call up when you had to visit the video store to hire a VHS, hoping that the movie you lot were looking for was not taken already? That is the past. With the Internet, y'all have everything you lot need in one place, and rarely you need something physical (i.e. a Dvd) to enjoy it. With the emergence of smart TVs and the new generation of gaming consoles, all you need is a connexion, be it movie streaming (Netflix), music (Spotify), the sports feel or on-demand personalized contents.


Once upon a fourth dimension, people had to visit the bank to cheque the most basic financial operations. That was before the dawn of online banking, earlier the disintermediation. Before the 'Uberization' of retail banking. Applied science trends have forced traditional institutions to face up the challenge of evolution, transforming generic accounts into actual human beings. What they must exercise now is to stop focusing on products and money and first caring about the retail banking customer experience. In the name of innovation (mobile wallets, i-bear on payments) and personalization.


You do non need to know someone to love him/her. You practise not need to feel the pressure of playing all your cards in a few minutes while waiting for the charabanc. Now you lot can notice the love your life - or at least come across new friends - past only downloading an app and filling out a profile. Be it dating or edifice professional relationships, there is a place for you online. This evolution has consequences for businesses: people at present rely on a wider circle of trust, other people they barely know that can influence their decisions, one way or another.


In the Cyberspace age, anybody is a dr.. While you should non trust what you read online, when y'all feel symptoms of some sort, it is undeniable that engineering has changed the medical experience and the relationship betwixt doctors and patients. On the i hand we have the risk of misleading information; on the other hand, the emerging sensation that mobile devices can improve the quality of life and help foreclose diseases. Wearables technology is the master driver of the cocky-tracking obsession; connected with health platforms (HealthKit), they will shape the hereafter of healthcare.


When the fashion we communicate changes, marketing techniques change accordingly. If you lot endeavor to employ traditional marketing ideas to today's globe, you will shortly recognize they are outdated and inefficient. The reason is simple: customers have changed, their purchase behavior have changed. Even when they are in the store, they go online to compare products. The success of proximity marketing is due to the need (for companies) to engage customers with context enlightened contents, and please them with meaningful and personalized experiences.


Do you actually demand to spend viii hours a day in the office to be productive? Twenty years ago, this questions fabricated no sense at all. Of course, yous needed to be in that location. Today things are unlike, and it is all nigh the Internet. The evolution of web-based tools and the growth of cloud services take made the physical co-presence unnecessary. We alive and piece of work in an ecosystem of constant connectivity, and this is bringing employers and governments to a consummate modify of perspective, in the name of flexibility. To improve quality of life and cutting inefficiency.

At present information technology is your turn. Tell us how the Net has changed the style you live and practice business.

For every need you take, for every challenge yous are facing, Neosperience has a suitable solution for your visitor. Select your goal and tell us how nosotros can assist y'all!

(The commodity was updated and republished on May one, 2021)