
How To Make A Cool Library In Minecraft

You can make lots of projectile effects in Minecraft in addition to exploding. Rather than rebuild all the projectile code from scratch, you can abstract the projectile land-machine (make it a projectile country-machine for any effect, not just exploding) and create a library that helps you build a lot of different projectiles.

A library is a mod that lets you lot telephone call functions from other mods.

Set up the projectile mods

To fix the projectile mod, re-create a projectile modernistic. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Actions tab and so choose the Copy control.


    Y'all come across two versions of the projectile mod.


  2. Open one mod and rename information technology Projectile_Library.


  3. Open the other modern and rename information technology Exploding_Projectile.


    Hither are the two renamed mods.


Outline the projectile library and explosion projectile mods

Open the mod that you renamed Projectile_Library. It looks like the code example shown hither.


Making the Projectile_Library mod is a little tricky because it has to handle the following information:

  • All state information, like launching

  • The actual launching

  • Destruction of the projectile

But the Explosion_Projectile mod needs to handle

  • The type of block to launch

  • The actions that should happen when the block lands

Brand one more re-create of your mod and name it Original_Explosion_Projectile, just in instance you mess up and need to get back to a working mod.

Change the main and launch functions

The post-obit directions tell you how to actually brand the changes in your code.

To make changes to the main function, follow these steps:

  1. Rename the master function init.

    Considering this mod is at present a library, the functions in it are called from other mods — though the library itself isn't run in Minecraft.

  2. Export this role (make information technology accessible from other mods) so that it can exist accessed from the Explosion_Projectile modern. This is how the function should await.


    Yous can detect the export cake under the Misc category.


  3. Add together a parameter named launch_block to the init function that defines the blazon of block to exist launched, and salve the parameter in a variable named block_type.


  4. Delete the event.

    This step is handled past the Exploding_Projectile modern. The library doesn't handle it, considering you may want other things to trigger the effects afterward.


  5. To name the exploding variable landing, click the drop-down arrow next to the discussion exploding and choose Rename Variable from the menu.


Renaming the variable is shown here.


Your init should look similar this one.


After you complete this step list, you may want to brand a minor change to the launch function. The image below shows how to change the boulder block to the block_type variable instead; that way, the blazon of block is decided in the Explosion_Projectile mod.


The landing variable updates by itself when you rename information technology.

Change the explode role

To brand changes to the explode function, y'all first demand to change it to a role that has a return value. The purpose of this role, in the library, is to permit the other modern know whether the block has already been launched. Follow these steps:

  1. Rename the function to check_if_launched.

    This shows the new function block y'all have.


  2. Make a new variable named launched and initialize (give it the value) information technology to fake.


    This variable should exist returned to permit the other mod know whether the block has been launched.

  3. You need the if statement from the original explode function, but instead of sending a message and exploding and destroying anything around the block, just prepare the launched variable to true.


  4. Consign this office likewise so that the other modernistic can check to run across whether the block has been launched.


Change the destroy function

Yous also demand to update the destroy role to await similar this. Follow these steps:


  1. Add a parameter named cake, which is the cake that needs to be destroyed.

  2. Change the info'southward block to the parameter cake.

  3. Consign the destroy office.

Congratulations! You take completed the Projectile_Library mod. The entire mod should await similar the i shown hither.

Figure 7-51

Effigy vii-51

Change the Explosion_Projectile modernistic

After the library is written, you can define what happens in the Explosion_Projectile mod. Beginning, open the Explosion_Projectile modern and import the Projectile_Library. Then follow these steps:

  1. Catch an import block from the Misc category.


  2. Blazon your LearnToMod nickname and and then Projectile_Library. For instance, if your LearnToMod nickname was sarah, your import block should look this.


    Now you should make changes to the main function because you accept the library that yous just created and yous need to call those new functions.

  3. Remove everything from the principal function, and delete all of the blocks except the event blocks. The 2 event blocks should become into a new function named on_land_event, merely the function that should exist called is a new role named on_land that has a parameter named info.


  4. Await in the Functions category and you should see three new functions from the library you but made.


  5. Add a phone call to the Projectile_Library.init office, with a parameter of Bedrock, and a call to the on_land_event office.


Finally, after you take fixed the main role, fill in the on_land office. Follow these steps:

  1. Add an if-statement that calls the Projectile_Library.check_if_launched office.


  2. Put the explosion code from the old explode part into the if-argument.


  3. Make a call to the Projectile_Library.destroy role.


Congratulations! You lot accept completed the lawmaking for the Explosion_Projectile mod! Everything else in the modern can be deleted, so your unabridged modern should look similar this.


Exam your new library

If you lot've followed forth with all the steps in this projection, y'all should at present take two mods:

  • Projectile_Library

  • Explosion_Projectile : When y'all test the Explosion_Projectile mod, you see a scene like this one.


Congratulations! You have successfully created a projectile library and used information technology to make an exploding projectile.

How To Make A Cool Library In Minecraft,


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